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- Channel #psyBNC
@ IRCnet -


#psybnc @ IRCnet is a plain support channel. Ask and be patient.

Channel rules:

Don't try to trade psyBNC Users/Shells.
Don't advertise any kind of website.
Don't ask for Windows support.
Don't ask for Scripting support.
Query *only* regulars.


Arakis <Arakis@IRCnet>
decta <decta@IRCnet>
denniz <denniz@IRCnet>
inFECT <>
iceblox <iceblox@IRCet.>
MasterJM <MasterJM@IRCnet>
McSurfi <>
no_mad <>
Pitbull <pitbull@IRCnet>
psychoid <>
powerslid <powerslid@IRCnet>
Raydon <raydon@IRCnet>
slight <slight@IRCnet>
talrasha <talrasha@IRCnet>
watson <watson@IRCn

Channel Statistics: most spoken words/lines etc. (click here)

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